Welcome to the fourth edition of the ‘How I Put My Type 2 Diabetes Into Remission’ series. Today, we will be talking to Randy, who has controlled his diabetes with a keto diet for just over four years!
Hi Randy, can you tell us a bit about you and your diagnosis with type 2 diabetes?
My wife and I are community group pastors. We run a monthly group that was birthed out of our personal journey to wellness. FIT TO SERVE GROUP combines the ketogenic diet with the Christian faith. Besides the group, we have a blog (fittoservegroup.com) where we share our recipes and lifestyle tips.
I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes back in 1999 and had already developed fatty-liver disease because of it. My mother passed away from fatty liver disease due to uncontrolled type 2 diabetes in 2013. Her passing served as a major wake up call for me to do something about my health since I was on the same path that led her to premature death. It wasn’t until 2014 that I found the ketogenic diet and was able to reverse the diagnosis.
Do you remember how you felt when you were first diagnosed?
I remember feeling angry and helpless. In my family, type 2 diabetes has affected many. So, there was a part of me that felt this was bound to be my fate too.
What happened after your diagnosis and how did you discover that type 2 diabetes can be controlled?
After being diagnosed I remember trying many different types of medications in an effort to manage the disease. I also did various low-fat diets but the constant hunger always caused me to fail.
I found the low carb keto diet after my wife suggested it when our daughter’s wedding was fast approaching and suddenly everyone wanted to lose some weight. I managed to lose 30 pounds in time for the wedding but gained it back and another 20 after that deadline came and went. It was then I realized that if I wanted true change it would have to become a lifestyle.
What were the main steps you took to bring your diabetes into remission?
In my case, it was the combination of a ketogenic diet and my Christian faith. The faith factor has helped me stay committed and the ketogenic diet keeps me feeling satisfied since I rarely experience great hunger anymore. Being accountable to my wife also played a major role. I am grateful that we do this keto lifestyle together.

How were you monitoring your diabetes control?
I must admit that I wasn’t really great about testing my sugar regularly. Mainly, because I felt it was pointless since the readings were always high. Once I began to adopt a keto diet, monitoring was something I enjoyed. It was encouraging to see those high glucose levels drop and eventually stay at a healthy range.
How long did it take you to bring your blood glucose down to normal levels?
My sugar was stable after 4 months of faithfully adhering to the low carb keto lifestyle. It took another two months before I was able to get off all medications. At the time my doctor wasn’t fully onboard with a low carb diet, but he had a change of heart when he kept seeing the results. Today, he is a believer in the keto lifestyle.
Did you face any challenges or setbacks when adopting this new lifestyle?
At first, I craved the fast foods that had become a regular part of my life. I also had to deal with a lot of sugar cravings. Thankfully, the cravings were short-lived. I must say, it doesn’t hurt that my wife knows how to cook delicious keto meals and treats.
Can you tell us a bit more about the ketogenic diet you follow? For example, do you stick to a specific carb limit?
So, in the beginning I mainly adopted a low carb diet, I then progressed to a more keto style of dieting. I don’t really count my carbs anymore because I already know what I can and cannot have. I also have adapted intermittent fasting and find that it works great with a ketogenic lifestyle.
What types of meals do you eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner?
I tend to intermittent fast five out of seven days. With usually only one meal per day. I also eat that meal fairly early as my work schedule permits it. I usually have dinner around 4 pm. A typical meal for me is some sort of serving of meat or chicken and a side of leafy green vegetables.
How long have you kept your diabetes in remission for and do you face any challenges or setbacks now?
It’s been a little over 4 years since diabetes took a backseat. I can’t say I’ve had any real challenges or setbacks.
For anyone that is struggling with diabetes control or is newly diagnosed, what advice would you give them?
First, I would tell them to find a doctor that will support them in finding a natural way of controlling diabetes. Preferably a doctor that endorses a ketogenic diet.
You will need to work closely with a doctor because, as you control your diabetes with a keto diet, your medication dosage will need to be adjusted. I would further tell you to fight for your health and not to believe that type 2 diabetes cannot be controlled. I am a living testimony that it can.
If I can add another piece of advice it would be to check out our blog fittoservegroup.com but I assure you that you will find lots of great recipes and lifestyle tips to assist you.
You can also feel free to contact me personally if you feel I can help you in any way. You can follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. Feel free to join our FIT TO SERVE GROUP Facebook page and Facebook group where I am always very active.
I would like to thank Randy for sharing his story and his jaw-dropping transformation photos! To lose weight and keep it off shows just how powerful a diet low in carbs can be. Healthy fats are not the enemy, they are our friends. Randy is an inspiration to us all, and I highly recommend you check out his blog or follow him on social media.
If you have recently been diagnosed and feel inspired to manage your diabetes, take a look at our Start here page. Or, you can read our post about how carbohydrates affect our blood glucose levels and what fruits, vegetables and dairy are low carb.
Did you miss the third edition of the ‘How I Put My Type 2 Diabetes Into Remission’ series with John? You can read John’s story here.